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Server-Sent Events


Server-Sent Events allows you to receive real-time updates for live video comments and reactions. It uses the Server-Sent Events (SSE) web standard to send real-time, continuous data streams to browser clients, once an initial client connection has been established.

More detail you can see docs.

Here, we give a simple example to show how to implement it by this library.

How to use

Custom data handler

You need override on_data method to handle the data.

As follows, we just print the real data from facebook.

import json

from pyfacebook import ServerSentEventAPI

class MyEvent(ServerSentEventAPI):
    def on_data(self, data):
        raw_data: str = data.decode()

        data = json.loads(raw_data[5:])
        print(f"Comment Data: {data}")

Connect the server

Then you can connect the facebook server to get pushed data.

event_api = MyEvent(access_token="Your access token")
    live_video_id="ID for the live video",

# output
# Comment Data: {'id': '611384697233703_2059142704258615', 'created_time': '2022-08-31T10:03:00+0000', 'from': {'id': '100621042235323', 'name': 'HeyJoklena'}, 'message': 'hello sse', 'object': {'description': 'section 1, 1, 2', 'updated_time': '2022-08-31T10:03:00+0000', 'id': '611384697233703'}}
# Comment Data: {'id': '611384697233703_1165171867677765', 'created_time': '2022-08-31T10:03:29+0000', 'from': {'id': '100621042235323', 'name': 'HeyJoklena'}, 'message': 'sse is nice', 'object': {'description': 'section 1, 1, 2', 'updated_time': '2022-08-31T10:03:00+0000', 'id': '611384697233703'}}

Now if the live video has new comment, you will see the comment output.