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List members

List members lookup

Members lookup group has two available endpoints. You are able to retrieve details on members of a specified List and see which Lists a user is a member of. These endpoints can be used to enable people to curate and organize new Lists based on the membership information.

You can use either OAuth 1.0a User Context or OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token to authenticate to these endpoints.

You can get more information for this at docs

Get list's members

Returns a list of users who are members of the specified List.

api.get_list_members(list_id="List ID")
# Response(data=[User(id='1301152652357595137', name='realllkk520', username='realllkk520')])

Get lists for user joined

Returns all Lists a specified user is a member of.

api.get_user_memberships_lists(user_id="User ID")
# Response(data=[TwitterList(id='1402926710174089222', name='🧑🏻\u200d💻 Geeks'), TwitterList(id='1403322685870940160', name='SNS-sdks')])

Manage List members

The manage List members endpoints allow you to add and remove members to a List on behalf of an authenticated user.

For these endpoints, there are two methods available: POST and DELETE. The POST method allows you to add a member to a List, and the DELETE method allows you to remove a member from a List.

You can get more information for this at docs

Add member to a list

Enables the authenticated user to add a member to a List they own.

my_api.add_list_member(list_id="1448302476780871685", user_id="ID for user added to the list")
# {'data': {'is_member': True}}

Remove member from a list

Enables the authenticated user to remove a member from a List they own.

my_api.remove_list_member(list_id="1448302476780871685", user_id="ID for user will be removed from the list")
# {'data': {'is_member': False}}